Anthony M Cummings - Founder, CEO, & Craftsman, of Cummings Custom Motorsports

Vehicle Purchase & Contract Agreement Policies.


Refund Policy:

I genuinely strive to ensure your satisfaction with your purchases, however I do have a Policy for Refundability.

Please review my Refund Policy below:

  • Refunds: Refunds are available only upon the return of the purchased vehicle, after clearing the restocking Fee and Return Approval Inspection is Completed.

  • Refund Amount: The refund amount will be 30% of the total sale cost, as there is a 40% restocking fee, a 20% Return Approval inspection Fee, & Other Tax Liabilities Cummings Custom Motorsports is responsible for.

  • Return Costs: You are responsible for all costs & risks associated with returning the vehicle, including shipping, handling, & Documentation.

  • Reclamation Fee: If the vehicle is not returned to my specified workshop location and requires my assistance for retrieval, an additional reclamation fee of $2,500.00 USD will be applied, and only a 25% Refund of the full price will be provided if it passes the Return Approval Inspection.



Shipping Policy:

As the sole proprietor, owner, and operator, I personally handle the transportation and delivery of all vehicles with the assistance of a trusted partner for longer distances as needed.

  • For international auto transport, roll-on/roll-off (RORO) shipping is the cheapest method.
  • On average, international car shipping costs between $1,500 and $5,000.
  • International auto transport can take anywhere from 30 to 60 days from start to finish. 

Please review my Shipping Policy below:

  • Delivery Area: I offer delivery services across the USA and beyond.

  • Delivery Charges: Charges are based on distance and delivery complexity to cover necessary expenses.

  • Delivery Process: I will schedule a convenient and punctual delivery time with you directly through your preferred contact method and provide updates throughout the process all the way up to the arrival time of your new ride.

  • Responsibilities: I take full responsibility for these vehicles during transport and delivery, by personally delivering these amazing creations directly to you.

    “This also enables you to ask questions in person directly upon delivery arrival to the very person who built your vehicle- Me!,  and I can show you key aspects to really engage with the vehicle should you wish to.”


Chevrolet Corvette C8 Luxury Interior Design

Chevrolet Corvette C8 Design Concept Available for Licensing Oppurtunity

This Is NOT a Vehicle For Sale!

This Concept Design is a Showcase for Fans, Enthusiasts And Fellow Motorsports efficianadoes can Show their interest and passion for this latest rising star in the infamous japan drifting Communities!

To Truly help bring this or any of these amazing rides to fruition please like on social media and share this deign with a tag to Chevrolet & GM on your preferred platform of choice.

Hey Chevrolet! -Click Here & Get in touch about the offer!